What Is The Main Concern Of Skin Doctors?

From poison ivy to severe acne, figuring out which specialist to go to may be tricky, especially if it’s urgent. Sometimes it’s difficult to get in to see a dermatologist quickly or Skin Specialist In Thane , so in the meantime, should you go to or video call your primary care physician instead? When to see a primary care doctor “You should definitely see your primary care provider first for simple, common skin problems,” says . “That’s the best place to start.” Anything with a systemic component, or something that affects a significant percentage of the body, should be seen by a dermatologist to get an answer quickly. Primary care doctors can treat mild acne, rosacea, warts, minor rashes, bug bites, simple cysts, athlete’s foot, dandruff and mild, benign lesions. If their treatments don’t clear up the problem, it’s time to consult a specialist. As advanced as cosmetic procedures are, there’s no definitive way to reverse scarring,” says. “So, the longer th...