Advantages Of Homeopathy Over Allopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of treatment that uses remedies made with very diluted substances from plants, animals and minerals to stimulate a person's own healing powers. It has been practiced for more than 200 years and is based on the 'like cures like' principle - a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person will cure similar symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathic remedies are considered safe because they have no side effects and work with your body to relieve symptoms and promote wellness. In this article we shall see how homeopathy is an effective treatment for various ailments with the help of some examples.

According the best Homeopathy Doctor In Vashi Homeopathic approach to healing is very different from allopathy, the conventional medical approach that most people are familiar with. Although homeopathy and allopathy share some similarities, they are actually polar opposites of one another in many ways. Let us take a look at their salient differences:

1. Greater success rate: Homeopathy is far more successful in curing diseases than allopathic [modern medical] treatment.

2. No side-effects: Unlike allopathic drugs, homeopathic remedies do not lead to any harmful effect on the body; in fact, they strengthen the body's defines system and improve resistance power against ailments.

3. No drug addiction: Homeopathic treatment does not cause addition to drugs, so it can be continued till a permanent cure is affected without any fear of recurrence of the disease or development of drug addiction.

4. Economical: Treatment by modern medicine is extremely costly, whereas homeopathic treatment is inexpensive and can be afforded by poor as well as rich people.

5. Freedom from contagious diseases: When a person fails to get a disease-free environment even within his own house due to presence of a patient affected with highly infectious disease like tuberculosis, diphtheria, small -pox, cholera etc., he can shift the sick person to an isolated place for allopathic treatment which is very expensive. In that case no other member of the family need remain away from the patient or exposed to his infectionnor is there any danger of the disease spreading to other membertheirs of the family.

6. Gradual relief: Recovery from illness by homeopathic treatment takes place gradually over a period of time, during which the patient continues to lead a normal life and does not have to live in seclusion or take complete rest. Homeopathy Doctor In Vashi Help you in maintain the healthy life style without any drugs.

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